relaunches with scaled-down content

Sometime over the three-day weekend, I will be launching a new version of with significantly less content than the site has now. The artist directory, reviews and news items will be moved to an archive, while the Audiobin and Radio Musicwhore will be taken offline. has undergone a tremendous amount of transformation since its beginnings as a short-lived print zine in 1997. The site has grown to such a point where its continued success depends on either expansion or shut down.

While it may have been a challenge to grow the site more — perhaps even taking on a staff — I felt reluctant to go in that direction. However much I would like to perceive as simply a personal home page, the breadth of the content dispels any such notion.

Temperamentally, I’m not suited to accept much help. I make for a lousy collaborator because I’m overly exact about things. It was inevitable that my inability to delegate, coupled with a time-consuming production process, would burn me out.

And has been wearing me thin for the past two years.

I still aim to do the same kind of writing the site is known for — namely, coverage of Japanese artists — in the next version of, and I hope to write more personally about other kinds of music as well. But making a total interactive experience with full audio and e-commerce — well, that’s so late-1990s.

Yes, will become but another weblog in an vast ocean of weblogs, but at this point in my life, it’s all that I have time for.

I’ve been working on my own songwriting since the start of the year, and I’m taking some classes in Fall 2005 to keep my edge professionally. A car accident I was involved with at the start of August derailed a lot of momentum as well. So the site has been neglected as a result.

The scaled-back site will allow me to write occassionally about music without eating up the free time I wish to devote to other pursuits.

To everyone who has found a valuable resource and supported its efforts, thank you. I hope you stick around for a little while longer.